Sunday, May 2, 2010

Greetings, Welcome and all that stuff

Welcome to where I am going to vent and make observations on my life as a single, overweight, freckle-faced, wired-for-sound mom of one calm, cool and collected teenager.  I am in my lower-mid-thirties and like to use a lot of punctuation.  I was and still am the dorky girl that wanted to be cool but could not figure it out.  Trying to make up for this background at my age has still proven to be fruitless, so I choose to embrace my quirks instead.  I wear blue nail polish on a regular basis, or black if I am feeling formal.  I wear wacky color rubber bands on my braces (yes, braces, and I wonder why I am still a dork).  I listen to trashy radio and don't hide that I am a bleeding heart liberal in a conservative area.

By some divine circumstance, my kid is artistic and smart, and decidedly not a dork.  He has a great sense of humor that sometimes shows me a glimpse of myself if I were extroverted as a young teen.  We both watch Family Guy.  We race Mario Kart.  We read funny blogs.  We make witty remarks and try to be sure not to hurt others in our attempts at humor. 

So, that's all for now.  Maybe I'll eventually have something witty to say on here.  Or not.  

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